Interest-Free Loans – Regain freedom, recover your passion

Part 1 – A brief history

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we didn’t have to pay interest on loans and if, after 7 years, the balance of our debt was forgiven? This would allow us a chance at a fresh start, to be productive and not enslaved to debt. It could give the extra boost needed to break the cycle of debt and move with confidence into a debt-free life.

What would be the benefits of interest-free loans? It would help people get out of debt sooner and empower them to become financially self-sufficient. “Not a chance!” I hear you say and, “Dream on”. Yet such provision exists. From a Biblical context, God gave the Israelites this command, which is still practiced among contemporary Jews. It is written in the Torah, also known as the Mosaic Law. Read on and I’ll explain.

Jews and Interest

In Biblical times, not only was a lender not allowed to charge interest to a fellow Israelite, furthermore, after 7 years, an outstanding debt was to be forgiven. please read on at the Writi